Monday, May 13, 2013


The King of Prussia mall's website show you everything you need to know about it's mall. It shows the hours, the stores, location, events, deals and more! I think I like this website because of all of these things and because other site don't utilize these things. KOP is a pretty impressive mall and to compete with that you need an impressive website!


Now with this website I go to often because I like to know whats new to xbox from time to time. It's a simple blogging and podcast website but with it's simplicity it works! I like how you can easily comment and move through to the microsoft website itself through basic navigation. I tend to alway go back to this one regardless just to catch up on the times! 

Monday, May 6, 2013


Well Pandora is a pretty cool website giving the fact that you can listen to free music. The site is simple you type in a music artist that you like and then pandora brings you to that music artist's radio station where you can hear that persons music. Pandora is a easy to navigate site as well and it works perfectly for people who are trying to get their work done and have no specific clue on who to listen to. 


Now this is not Pizza Hut, I repeat this is not Pizza Hut! No this website is pretty great as you can order your pizzas and buy them with a few clicks. The page is pretty engaging as you suddenly want to buy pizza and a side order. I think it works overall because it advertises and swifts puts you to checkout. The cool thing about this site is that you can literary watch your pizza getting made right before your eyes! 

Google Maps

Ah I love google maps! It pretty fun to actually play around with too. You put in a direction of where you want to go and BAMMM! You got yourself some directions. I really like the click scroll function on the map because you can really see all locations. You can also put down how your travelling and it will estimate how long it will take to get there! A truly innovative website! 


Everyone should know Yahoo! I mean come on if you don't know what yahoo is your living under a rock. I chose this website because even over all the years it's been around its always slightly or barely ever changed in it's website career. It's easy on the eyes and you can easily spot the latest news. Your email is also very easy to navigate with this website. I hope it stays the same really..

Monster Energy Drink

Monster energy drinks have been sweeping the nation recently. They have a pretty solid website that advertises their products pretty well. They started with energy drinks and now have their logo over just about everything. I like how the minute you roll over something it instantly changes whats being showed!


This website is based off of the new hit DC fighting game Injustice: Gods Among Us. I thought that the website was pretty unique as it shows pictures similar to the games main menu. You can buy the game as well as see all of the characters in it! They also have leader boards and more! I think it works for a video game website.

Amazing What?

The new Spiderman movie was pretty awesome and what followed it was a butt kicking web-slinging website. The music for the website is truly amazing and the transitions between the links is pretty cool too. The drop downs from the links are pretty subtle but it works for this smooth spider like superhero. I think this website is pretty successful considering that it is based off of the movie, and you know how that could go. Whoever comments is simply not as amazing as this website!

Cartoon Network website

Well It's way further gone now, I remember the good old days in the 90's with the older cartoons. Now it's all new things and new games. The website is pretty chaotic but it works for this kind of children's channel. I like how easy the navigation is and how things tend to pop out at you when you hover/click on them. All in all I'm a 90's kid and I don't really appreciate Cartoon Network like I used to but it's not all too bad right? I mean the websites good. 


Deviantart has a pretty basic design, I like how artists can put up their own work and share it with others. It's pretty easy to navigate around so you can find exactly what your looking for. I suggest that you should make an account so you can join on in the fun as well! Oh before I forget the color scheme is very basic but it works for this kind of website nothing too extreme!

Attention Wal-Mat Shoppers

I like the wal-mart website because you can buy different things and see all the deals (Rollovers) that they are currently having! They have a section for just about everything, anywhere from toys for young toddlers to chairs and laptops! You can have a account to buy things and have them shipped to you house with just a few clicks of a button!

Zelda: to be or not to be

I think this website is pretty successful, the links take you to different games in the franchise. Zelda was one of my favorite games growing up so I decided to view the website and use it fo this blog post. Zelda has came along way with Nintendo along with the mario franchise. We'll keep buying and wanting as long as nintendo keeps giving! 


I really like the layout of the itunes website! It makes navigating very easy and soothing as you browse through different music and music holding devices. This website also contains a free download to the magical music holding and arranging application! Here is the website Itunes! Also you can buy and download music and videos from the website if your interested.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Urban Dictionary

The Urban Dictionary website is pretty easy to navigate around. With this website you can find just about any word you hear/see in books, by word of mouth or on the internet! One click can send you on a expedition to find new words and phrases. This website has been around for a very long time and still manages to have me in awe. I think people should give this site a try it's pretty fun searhing for the word of the day! I dare you give it a shot! Urban Dictionary

The Walking Dead Website

           I really like this website because it has a bunch of different ways that people can interact with the show. You can talk the show, look at the cast, the episodes, play games and more. I would like to someday make a website similar to this one when I make it big. I love to see the enjoyment of people when interacting with different websites. I think this one is pretty successful and as it continues to grow, it will become even more successful! Walking Dead Website!